ISBN : 978-988-98388-8-1
Publisher : Osage
Date Published : March 2007
Author : Yang Li, Jonathan Thomson, Alice G. Guillermo
Editor : Agnes Lin
Designer : Diane Wu
Curator : Yang Li
Artist/s: : Jiang Zhi, Yang Mian. Cao Kai, Chen Wenling, Feng Zhengjie, Hung Tunglu,
Jin Jiangbo, Liu Liyun, Shi Jindian, Tang Yan + Xu Yisu, Wu Mingzhong, Xiong Lijun,
Xue Wenwen, Yang Qian, Yu Fan, Zhang Xiaotao, Zhao Nengzhi, Zhong Biao,
Zhuang Hongyi
This publication was published as the catalogue to the exhibition, Chinese Whispers held at Osage Kwun Tong from 16 March to 05 May 2007.
Chinese Whispers is the name of the children’s game in which a message is passed from one person to another and in doing so almost always ends up getting garbled. The fun for the participants comes from seeing just how badly the message gets distorted between start and finish.
Chinese Whispers is also the title of the exhibition showcasing works from 20 of the most exciting young contemporary Chinese artists that includes paintings, sculpture and large scale installations. The game of Chinese Whispers demonstrates how easily information and meaning can become corrupted or distorted. It is also an apt metaphor for the difficulties inherent in assigning meaning to works of art and how those difficulties are multiplied whenever the work is taken out of its cultural context. What is meaning in the visual arts? Can any work of art ever have a single authoritative definitive meaning? The complexity, density and sheer volume of information that collectively comprises the cultures in which we live is in itself a nearly insurmountable barrier to explication. The things that artists select for inclusion in their work are various and personal, and each have a particular personal meaning. This problem is further complicated by the fact that each and every one of us brings something different to our understanding of the work of art.
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